Vision, Dental, General Health, and Childcare Benefits
You can now make online claims. Click HERE to find out how.
All Teaching Assistants at Carleton, in addition to any coverage they may have through the GSA, CUSA, or any other agency, have access to a variety of benefits, including:
- dental
- vision
- physiotherapy
- chiropractic
- childcare
What benefits coverage do I have?
You can see how much overall coverage you have for vision, dental, physiotherapy, and chiropractic care in the Benefits Booklet (pdf).
How do I access my benefits/submit a claim?
For everything other than a UHIP claim, there are 3 ways to submit a claim:
- Online & Mobile Claims
- Provider-Submitted Claims
- Hardcopy Forms
You can find information on each of these methods on this Green Shield webpage: How to Submit a Claim.
For the TA UHIP Assistance Application Form PDF Click Here.
You can often have your service provider (i.e. dentist, physiotherapist) make the claim for you. If they are unable to do so, use one of the other two methods described above.
In addition to the Green Shield website, you can pick up paper forms in the union office, or download and print them here:
What Green Shield number (GSC ID) do I use to access my union benefits?
To access your union benefit coverage, your Green Shield ID (GSC ID) number is CTA + your student number – 00 (e.g., CTA101234567-00).
What if I am also covered by the GSA’s Green Shield benefit plan?
If you want to file a claim under both your GSA plan and your CUPE 4600 plan, you will need to give Green Shield both ID numbers. Those numbers are:
- CAR + Student Number (GSA Benefit Plan)
- CTA + Student Number (CUPE 4600 Benefit Plan)
Please note that some of your CUPE 4600 benefits are designed to work in tandem with your GSA benefits. A common dental claim, for example, would see the GSA benefits covering 80% and CUPE 4600 benefits covering the remaining 20%.
How can I find out the status of a claim, whether payment has been approved, or how much coverage I have left?
If you register for an online account with Green Shield, you can:
- Sign up for direct deposit of claim payments
- Submit a “pretend” claim to instantly find out what portion of a claim will be covered
- Find a dental, paramedical, or vision care provider in your area
- Access your personal claims information, including a breakdown of how your claims were processed
- Print personalized claim forms and replacement ID cards
- Print your Explanation of Benefits statements for when you need to coordinate benefits
To setup an online account, visit this Green Shield webpage: Sign Up For Plan Member Online Services.
What about making a UHIP claim?
If you have paid UHIP costs to Carleton, you can receive a reimbursement of between $330 and $660, depending on the number of dependents.
To make a UHIP claim, download and fill out this form and return it to the Office of the Deputy Provost, Room 421 Tory Building or by email to Postdoctoral Fellow and Teaching Assistant Coordinator, Alyssa Laird, at
How can I make an online claim?
To find out how to set up online claims, click here.