CUPE 4600 has negotiated a comprehensive Health & Dental Benefits plan for all Contract Instructors at Carleton University. This plan includes vision care, travel insurance, extended health benefits, a drug plan, telehealth, and other coverage. The plan is subsidized by the employer for CIs, but not for their partner or families should they choose to add them to their plan.
During terms that you are teaching as a CI, you will receive an email from the plan administrator, Canadian Benefits Consulting Group (CanBen). This email will provide details on the plan and instructions on how to access your benefits. It will also detail how to opt out of the benefits plan, if that is your preference.
If have not received an email from CanBen, please contact your union at
- Benefit Plan FAQ
- Benefit Plan Summary
- Group Benefits Enrollment Form
- Online Claims
- Benefits Trust Fund Privacy Policy
- Secondary Insurance
Looking for easy access to counselling services without leaving your desk or your home? Please see the link above for information on this new electronic counselling service being offered to all Health & Dental Plan Members.
Available to all CUPE 4600-2 Members, whether you have a contract or not. Affordable coverage with premiums deducted from your bank account by semester. Only $48 per semester for $100,000 of coverage. Coverage is also available for $200,000 or $300,000, and Family coverage.
Opting out
If you wish to Opt Out of the Plan, please provide proof of alternate insurance coverage by the deadline indicated in the enrollment email you will receive from Canadian Benefits. Acceptable proof: copy of your alternate insurance ID card or other proof of coverage, such as an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from a paid claim. Confirmation of opt out will be sent at the end of the Enrollment period
Do you have more questions about your benefits?
You can contact our benefit plan administrator CanBen directly by emailing You can also reach Can Ben by phone toll free at 1-800-268-0285 ext 229.