Get Involved in CUPE 4600

CUPE 4600 is a member-driven union! We are only as strong as our active members.

Become a CUPE 4600 Steward

Learn about the role of union stewards, and how to become the steward for your department.
Visit this page for more info


One key way in which members can get involved is by joining a caucus. Caucuses are forums where members can get together with others who have similar interests or concerns, and strategize their union involvement and participation.

Gender Equity Caucus

The Gender Equity Caucus, formerly known as the Women’s Caucus, shall be chaired by
the Gender Equity Caucus chair. This caucus is for all members of CUPE 4600. The
Gender Equity Caucus shall:

a) be comprised of the Gender Equity Caucus chair and other members who are have experienced gender inequity;
b) focus on gender-related issues faced by members at Carleton;
c) bring the concerns and needs of the Gender Equity Caucus members to the Executive Board of CUPE 4600 and, when relevant, the general membership;
d) provide lobbying power on issues directly and indirectly related to workers marginalized by gender;
e) work to ensure the local is represented at gender-related conferences and events;
f) organize, mobilize, advocate, and take action on issues of interest to the local and the members of the caucus

Rainbow Caucus

To join the Rainbow Caucus you just have to show up to a meeting (they will be announced in our weekly digest). To be put in touch with the Caucus chair, please email

International Students’ Caucus

The International Students caucus will organize, mobilize and take action on issues of specific interest to our international student members. The caucus will also liaise with the International Students Centre and the International Students Services Office at Carleton. The caucus works to ensure the voices of international students workers are heard, and that the needs of international students workers are met. ​To join the caucus, email, or simply show up to one of their meetings, which will be advertised in our weekly digest.

Undergraduate Caucus

The Undergrad Caucus is a place for our Undergraduate members to come together and ensure that their specific needs are being heard. Undergrads make up an important segment of our Unit 1 membership, and through this caucus and its members, we strive to include their voice in the operations of the union. To join the Undergraduate Caucus, email, or simply show up to one of their meetings, which will be advertised in our weekly digest.

Accessibility Caucus

The Disability & Accessibility Caucus (DAC) is for disabled folks and allies who want to make Carleton a better place to work. Come share your experiences and hopes with people who get it, or just listen and learn how you can support your fellow union members.

BIPOC Caucus

The newly formed BIPOC caucus exists to give a space for members who identify as Black, Indigenous, or as people of colour. It is a space meant to discuss issues that affect caucus members, organize events and activities, meet each other, and ensure that the priorities of caucus members are well represented within the union’s activities.



Another key way in which members can get involved is by joining one of our Committees. Committees are the engines of our Local! They work closely with the Executive and Caucuses to turn ideas into action. Like caucuses, they are a great opportunity to meet your fellow union members and make a difference; not just by fighting to improve working conditions on campus, but in the wider community beyond the university. If you are interested in joining one or more of these committees please contact us!

Mobilization Committee

The Mobilization Committee is responsible for bringing the General Membership into the central function of the local. We make CUPE 4600 a more useful instrument of its members’ interests and a stronger contributor to the labour movement. All members of both units are welcome and encouraged to join. Our work includes:

  • Educating our peers about their rights and benefits under the collective agreement
  • Organizing campaigns and events that promote worker solidarity at Carleton 
  • Engaging members who are new to the local or the labour movement
  • Building capacity within the local
  • Taking solidarity action with other labour organizations and allied causes

Meeting held biweekly and details are shared in the CUPE 4600 digest. As members are often busy, meetings are in a hybrid format. No prior organizing experience is required.

External Affairs Committee

This committee is chaired by the VP external of our executive. it’s main goal is to reach out to other unions and organizations beyond the local in order to build solidarity.

Human Rights Committee

This committee is tasked with assisting and advising the local on issues related to human rights, equity, solidarity, and anti-oppression.

Health & Safety Committee

They work to improve the health and personal safety of CUPE 4600 members by improving the awareness of health and personal safety problems faced by members of the Local. They collaborate with the Human Rights Committee, the Women’s Caucus, and the International Members Caucus to mobilize the membership of CUPE 4600 to confront violence and intimidation on campus, especially gender-related violence, as well as racist and homophobic violence and intimidation, and conducting campaigns on health and personal safety issues

Constitution Committee

This committee gets into the nitty-gritty of the local’s bylaws, by reviewing the bylaws, making recommendations to the executive and general membership, and reviewing proposed bylaw changes.

Finance Committee

More exciting than it sounds! This committee helps prepare the annual budget presented to the membership at the AGM, monitor the local’s expenses, and help administer the strike fund.

Bargaining Research Committees (Unit 1 & 2)

Working very closely with the Bargaining Team, the Bargaining Research Committees will not only do the research to back-up the demands of the bargaining team, but also work with the membership year round to inform the priorities of upcoming bargaining rounds.

Equity Committee

This Committee will work on finding ways to make our union more equitable, accessible, and welcoming. Meetings are open to any member of either units. It is chaired by the local’s Equity Trustee.