An invitation to join the Mobilization Committee

Next meeting: Monday February 5th, 3pm, Nicol 3022

You are invited to join the next meeting of the CUPE 4600 Mobilization Committee.

What is the Mobilization Committee?

The CUPE 4600 Mobilization Committee is made of of members from both units. You do not need to be an elected official of the union in order to join the committee. No prior union organizing experience necessary, all are welcome!

This committee is tasked with organizing campaigns, events, protests, pickets, and educational workshops for the membership. The goals of this work change from year to year, depending on what is happening at Carleton and in the community. Sometimes this work focuses on preparing for a potential strike, other times it might be more aimed at supporting other unions or community groups. This is decided by the members of the committee.

What happens at the meetings?

The meetings take place every two weeks, and are a space for members to discuss upcoming projects. This committee is chaired by an elected member, who runs the meetings and prepares an agenda.

At the meeting, all members are encouraged to participate in the discussions and decision making process. Meeting participants will get to help plan the projects put forward by the committee, sign up for volunteering tasks, prepare materials, and learn some useful hands-on organizing skills in the process!

The meetings happen in a hybrid format, meaning it is a mix of in-person and online participation.

We hope to see you at our next meeting! 

If you have any questions, you can email to be put in touch with the committee chair