Tuition Increase Assistance

The Tuition Increase Assistance (TIA) is a protection for CUPE 4600 Unit 1 members against rising tuition fees. Some improvements were made to the TIA during the last bargaining round. you can read about these changes on this page (article 23)

How does it work?

The TIA is a refund. Eligible Unit 1 members will automatically receive a refund for the difference between the tuition they paid that term and the tuition schedule when they started working as a TA. This will happen for every term that they are working.

Unit 1 members must work a minimum of 65 hours to be eligible to receive the TIA. Members who have already worked 65 hours or more this term will receive their TIA in their student accounts in the third month of the term. Anyone who has not yet worked 65 hours or more, but does so before the end of the term, will get their TIA at the end of the term.

Below you will find the language that is included in the Collective Agreement for Unit 1. Please do not hesitate to contact us at if you have any questions or want clarifications.


Tuition Increase Assistance

  1. Eligibility
    1. Any employee covered under this Agreement and not excluded under subparagraph ii) below who works for sixty-five (65) hours or more in any term shall receive a tuition increase assistance for that term in which they are employed as calculated in paragraphs b) and c) below.
    2. Employees who are not students or are exempt from tuition shall not receive tuition increase assistance under this Article.
  2. Reference Fees
    1. The reference tuition fee for employees who commenced employment prior to August 31, 2006 is defined as those program tuition fees established as of May 1, 2001.
    2. The reference tuition fee for employees who commence employment on or after September 1, 2006 and prior to April 30, 2009, shall be defined as those program tuition fees established as of May 1, 2005.
    3. Subject to (iv) below, the reference tuition fee for employees who commence employment on or after May 1, 2009, shall be defined as the tuition fee schedule (which may include program name, level, and year) as of the first day they commence employment.
    4. Employees whose status changes from full to part-time or vice-versa, shall simultaneously change Reference Fees according to the fees for their new registration status as of the date of their former Reference Fees.
    5. Employees who are unable to remain registered in the same program due to changes in program offerings or conditions shall maintain their Reference Fees from their original program (their actual fees when they first entered their program) if they apply to and are accepted in a different program at Carleton University within twelve (12) months. Collective Agreement between Carleton University and CUPE Local 4600-01 expiring August 31, 2019 37
  3. Limitations
    If an employee both ceases to be employed and ceases to be a Carleton student for an academic year, the first day they commence employment for the purposes of Article 23.05 (b) will be the date they resume employment, unless this break occurred through an approved leave from duties as per Article 13.01 (b).
  4. Assistance Amount
    1. The amount of the tuition increase assistance shall be the difference between the current tuition paid by the employee and the Reference Fees, except as specified in subparagraph ii) below.
    2. Employees who have scholarships or bursaries which vary with tuition, but are not covered under sub-paragraph b) ii) above, shall receive assistance equal to the difference between the increase in their scholarship or bursary due to the increase in tuition, and the actual dollar amount of that increase, if any.
    3. The assistance amount will be provided to eligible employees no later than November 20 for the Fall term, March 20 for the Winter term and July 20 for the Summer term.
    4. Employees will be notified by email when the assistance amount is applied to their student account. The Employer will advise the employee of the process to receive their credit amount as a refund, if applicable.