Executive Board

Here you can meet the members of your Executive Board:

President: Esther Post

Esther Post has been a Contract Instructor at Carleton University since 2003, primarily teaching for the English Department and for the Feminist Institute of Social Transformation. Her doctoral dissertation focused on radical anarcha-feminist Emma Goldman, and she has long been interested in labour issues, especially for those who are precariously employed.


VP Internal: Ryan Conrad

Ryan Conrad is a Contract Instructor and Adjunct Research Professor at the Feminist Institute of Social Transformation where he has taught courses in Gender and Sexuality Studies since 2020. Conrad is also a Contract Instructor at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies where he teaches classes in the Human Rights and Social Justice Program. He previously served on the Executive as the Recording Secretary for two terms.

VP External: Maria Vorobeva

Maria is a PhD student in the Cognitive Science department, studying human inspired artificial intelligence algorithms. They have served as Vice-President External since 2023, and prior to that they were the union steward for their department. For fun, they enjoy reading, strategy games with friends and cooking.

Treasurer: Dani Reimer

Dani Reimer is pursuing their PhD in History, focusing on the newspaper narratives that formed around early Cold War spy scandals, and often work as a teaching assistant for courses on 20th-century Canada. As your Secretary-Treasurer, they are particularly interested in creating effective and efficient financial processes and communicating the union’s finances clearly and transparently to the membership.

Recording Secretary: Molly Alderman

Coming soon…

VP, Unit 1: Ariel Becherer

Ariel Becherer is a PhD student and TA in sociology. Her research is on the politics and history of energy infrastructure and energy workers in BC and their relationship to democracy. She joined the unit 1 bargaining team mid-way through the last round of bargaining. This is her second term as VP unit 1. Her priorities for her 2024/5 term are 1) to support and protect current members; and 2) to prepare for the 2025/6 round of bargaining.

Chief Steward Unit 1: Vacant

Co-VP, Unit 2: Morgan Rooney & Mark Blenkinsop

Dr. Morgan Rooney is a Contract Instructor and Adjunct Research Professor with the Department of English at Carleton, where he has taught courses for more than 15 years. In addition to being the co-VP for Unit 2, he also serves CUPE 4600 as a Health Trustee and a Contract Instructor Senator. His philosophy regarding the plight of our members can be summarized in one sentence from Marc Bousquet’s How the University Works: Higher Education and the Low-Wage Nation (2008): “Cheap teaching is a social crime and failure.”

Mark Blenkinsop… [coming soon!]

Chief Steward Unit 2: Patti Kmiec

Patti Kmiec has been a Contract Instructor at Carleton since 2017 and has held various roles in our local. This is her second year working with Esther as Co-Chief-Stewards for Unit 2. Patti teaches across FASS, including in Human Rights, Childhood/Youth Studies, Sociology, and Feminist Studies. Her teaching, research, and personal interests are largely focused on advocating for the rights of children and youth in Canada.